
Indian Brides are very famous for their Ornaments. As we all know Indian culture is a mixture of many subcultures. Area wise certain unique rituals are followed in Indian weddings. The ornaments worn by brides are also different as per locality. But one which is considered to be the master ornament of the Indian bride is Mangalsutra. Mangalsutra carries immense importance in Hindu weddings as well as in the lives of Hindu married women. A mangalsutra is tied around the neck of the bride by the groom during the wedding rituals. It is a symbol of marriage. So let's understand more about

The word mangal means auspicious and Sutra means thread – together mangalsutra means an auspicious thread uniting two souls. It is a black and gold beaded necklace with a gold or diamond pendant. Though in appearance it looks like a jewelry item, it is definitely much more than that. It is a promise from a husband to his wife that they will always stay together.

The Mangalsutra is a symbolic representation of the divine deities which are Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. As per scripture, the gold part represents Parvati, and the black beads that hold the gold represent Lord Shiva. Gold is a symbol of prosperity and well-being. Hence, it is believed that if a woman wears the Mangalsutra, she brings happiness and prosperity to the family. According to scriptures, the Mangalsutra attracts a lot of positive and divine energy. By wearing the Mangalsutra, the woman gains energy and power. It connects the body to the divine Shakti which resides in the body in the form of an element, fire. This gives the woman the energy to take care of the entire family and the well-being of each member.

The ideal chain length of a Mangalsutra should be at least 24-30 inches long. This is because the Mangalsutra should reach the bride’s Anahat Chakra meaning Heart Chakra located in the center of the spine i.e. near the heart.

As per Indian science, pure gold has numerous healing properties and the most important of them is a healthy heart. Ayurveda says that wearing a mangalsutra close to your heart (that touches the skin) attracts cosmic waves that support healthy heart function. It is also said that these waves help in maintaining a happy, healthy relationship between the husband and wife.

The health benefits of Mangalsutra includes:

Boosting the immune system

Regularizes blood flow and keeps you fresh and energetic

Balances the blood pressure levels

Stimulates the Surya Nadi or the sun channel in the woman’s body and awakens the inherent energy in it.

Apart from the health benefits, mustard-sized black beads are known to ward off evil while protecting the sanctity of marriage. So, Mangalsutra is not just an ornament or a symbol of being married. It is also a device which empowers Hindu married women to look after their family and staying healthy as well.

It is really proud to see, in today's modern era to keep up with the professional demands of specific attires and outfits, many women have found out different designs of trendy mangalsutra to stay close to the traditional heritage and maintain the significance of mangalsutra effectively.

  5th May, 2021

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